Cap and Gown Class of 2021 Ceremony Postponement

To: The Class of 2021,

Due to an abundance of caution and the safety for all students, staff and families, we regret to inform the attendees of The Class of 2021 Cap and Gown Ceremony that the ceremony (To be held on Sunday, December 19th) will be postponed.

The risk and repercussions in the event of a single exposure, which includes isolating from family during the holidays for all event attendees, was key in this decision.  As it currently stands, it is prudent to avoid large gatherings until public health deems the risk of exposure to be low.  The new date for the Cap and Gown will be Monday, May 2nd, 2022. This was not an easy decision for the school and we apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

  • For those students who already have collected their cap and gown, you can hold onto them until the new date.

  • For any student who has paid and has not collected their cap and gown we will hold the cap and gown for you for May 2nd, 2022.

  • For any student who was not able to attend Dec 19, 2021 and likely can attend the May 2nd, 2022 event, please contact the school after the holidays to register.

  • If you have already registered and circumstances change and you cannot attend May 2nd, 2022 a refund will be issued.



It is important to note that every case is unique, and Public Health has recommended different measures be implemented at different schools based on their investigations into each case.

If you are fully vaccinated and not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Book a COVID-19 test using the online COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool or call 811.

  • Monitor for symptoms for 14 days after the last date of exposure in the school.

  • You must isolate for 7 days after your last date of exposure in the school and have a negative day 7 test before leaving isolation.

  • You will need to book follow-up tests for day 7 and day 11-13 after your last exposure date in the school.

  •  If you become symptomatic, isolate right away and complete the online COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool: or call 811 to arrange testing.